RN to BSN degree

RN to BSN At-A-Glance Heading link

Application Deadline June 6, 2025
Start Classes June 16, 2025
Completion Time In as few as 12 months
Credit Hours 30
Tuition $9,990* ($330 per credit hour)
Degree Type 100% Online Bachelor's

RN to BSN Curriculum Heading link

The Online Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is a high-quality, rigorous program designed for the working RN. The program is delivered fully online at an affordable cost. Our faculty are dedicated to our students’ success.

The program is housed within UIC’s College of Nursing, and the curriculum incorporates a philosophy of “high teach, high touch” which creates an atmosphere of quality learning, student accountability and achievement. The support of our instructors and the advising team help make that achievement possible.

RN-BSN students bring a wealth of clinical knowledge and skills to their BSN learning experience. Content and application in the RN-BSN program builds on that experience by enhancing clinical thinking, evidence-based practice, health assessment skills, leadership and management ability, quality and safety knowledge, interprofessionalism, nursing informatics utilization, population focused nursing and health promotion, and an overall understanding of the broadened role of the nurse and issues facing nurses and healthcare in the US and globally.

Students may begin prior to receiving RN license, providing proof of passing the NCLEX by the end of the first semester.

  • Low-cost tuition Our RN to BSN online program offers affordable tuition, which is the same for in-state and out-of-state students.

  • 12 months Full-time students can complete the entire program in as little as seven consecutive 8-week terms, or 12 months.


RN to BSN Courses Heading link

A BSN degree requires 120 credit hours, consisting of the following:

  • 30 core nursing credits as listed below
  • 33 proficiency credits for prior nursing education, awarded at no cost.
  • 57 general education credits, taken as co-requisites or transferred in

There are no pre-requisite courses; students can start the program as soon as they are ready and take both nursing core courses and general education courses throughout the duration of the program. See below for more information on the general education requirements.

Click the arrows below to view RN-BSN online program requirements.

Online RN-BSN Core Courses Heading link

Online RN-BSN Core Courses

Course #Course TitleCredit HoursCourse Description
NURS 212Health Assessment and Communication3 hoursIntroduces physical assessment and interview skills to assess health status of clients across the lifespan. Concepts of communication, health literacy, patient centeredness and interprofessionalism are investigated as they impact health and risk assessment.
NURS 232Concepts in Professional Nursing3 hoursIntroduces contemporary concepts for professional nursing practice including the definition of nursing, nursing paradigm, values, ethics, health, and continuity of care in restorative and chronic conditions.
NURS 312Nursing Research and Statistics Methods for EBP3 hoursBasic concepts of research utilization and critique emphasizing relationship between research, scholarship, and evidence based nursing practice. Includes study of basic statistical measures, vocabulary, data analysis, and hypothesis testing.
NURS 316Nursing Informatics3 hoursExplores the concepts of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom as they derive from patient care technology, communication methods, interprofessionalism and computer applications. Course Information: Previously listed as NUEL 316.
NURS 332Caring Theory in Professional Nursing Practice3 hoursExploration of the complex nature of caring, its critical role in nursing, and its application to acute, chronic, and palliative patient needs, and individual's self-care and wellness.
NURS 352Population Focused Nursing Care3 hoursExplores concepts of population focused nursing, public health, community health nursing, social and cultural determinants of health, health disparities, wellness, ethics, leadership, and interprofessionalism.
NURS 362Nursing Health Promotion3 hoursIntroduces concepts of health promotion and disease prevention for individuals, families, groups, and populations through evidence-based research and interaction with clients and stakeholders.
NURS 372Leadership and Management in Nursing3 hoursExploration and application of principles of nursing professionalism, leadership, management functions, and the nursing process to the support of clients, groups, and systems.
NURS 382Nursing Role in Healthcare Quality and Safety3 hoursExploration of healthcare systems’ effectiveness and individual nursing performance as they impact outcomes of patient care and quality and safety within healthcare systems.
NURS 397Issues in Nursing Practice3 hoursAnalysis of social, economic, and policy issues affecting the practice of professional nursing with emphasis on strategies for advancing the profession and professionalism.

Online RN-BSN General Education Requirements Heading link

Online RN-BSN General Education Requirements

Course TitleCredit Hours
English Composition I3
English Composition II3
Human Anatomy4
Human Physiology4
Life Span Human Growth and Development3
Understanding the Individual and Society3
Understanding the Past3
Understanding the Creative Arts3
Exploring World Cultures3
Understanding U.S. Society3
Liberal Arts & Sciences Electives13-14

Transcript Reviews Heading link

Upon admission to the program, a no-cost transcript evaluation will be conducted. Each student will receive their individualized list of remaining general education courses which can be taken as co-requisites while enrolled in the RN to BSN degree program.

Students who would like to estimate the courses still needed may use the resources provided in the Community College Transfer Guide.

RN to BSN Degree Learning Outcomes Heading link

  1. Integrate and apply nursing knowledge and that of other disciplines to inform ethical clinical judgment and innovative nursing practice.
  2. Provide safe, holistic, compassionate person-centered care across the lifespan to clients with respect for diversity, equity and inclusion.
  3. Engage in community-driven collaborations to identify responsive interventions and advocacy strategies to improve health equity and social justice and support emergency preparedness.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of principles of research and evidence-based practice in providing optimal nursing care.
  5. Demonstrate standards for safety and quality to promote a culture of safety, civility, and respect for patients, providers, and work environments to improve patient outcomes.
  6. Engage in effective communication and collaboration to encourage respectful interprofessional partnerships and team dynamics to address healthcare delivery and outcomes.
  7. Apply systems knowledge to improve the quality and equity of care across a variety of healthcare delivery environments.
  8. Employ health information and communication technologies to support the documentation of care, support patient usage, and comply with ethical, legal, professional, and regulatory standards.
  9. Develop a nursing identity that embraces the history, characteristics, and values of nursing by responding to challenges through professional experiences.
  10. Commit to self-reflection, health, and well-being that promotes professional growth, leadership, and advocacy skills.

Nursing Careers Heading link

This online program prepares you for advanced nursing opportunities such as:

  • Enhanced patient care knowledge
  • Expanded roles within your nursing specialty
  • Nursing Management & leadership roles
  • Nursing Informatics
  • Research and Evidence Utilization
  • Nursing Case Management
  • Community or Public Health Nursing

CCNE Accredited Heading link

CCNE Accredited

The baccalaureate program at University of Illinois Chicago is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street, NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.

Job Growth Heading link

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for RN-BSN graduates is very favorable nationally. Employment is projected to grow 6% from 2022 to 2032, twice the rate for all occupations. The 2023 median pay was $86,070.

According to Hanover Research and JobsEQ, Registered Nurses were the most commonly sought occupation in 2023 with a total of 25,243 job postings. The average annual salary for RN-BSN graduates in Illinois is $88,000.

  • 6% Increase Demand for RN-BSN graduates.

  • $86k+ According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, $86,070 was median pay for an RN in 2023.

*Library and Technology Fees are an additional $20 per credit hour.

The Online Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN) is a Full Cost Recovery Program and is not eligible for tuition waivers by University of Illinois employees.

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